Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Age Repositioning Creative Brief

Project Summary: .
The goal of this project is to reposition a Product that would normally have a target market of senior citizens(ages 50+).

Target Audience:
The new target audience will be men and women in their 20's who have an active lifestyle.

Key Messages:
"life's a blur, Track it."

Key Benefits:
the product will be given a modern attractive look and provide services useful that can be useful to people of the 20 something age group.

Background/Competitive Positioning:
Currently the only product that will be in competition with this innovation are the Transcend Goggles by Zeal optics, although innovative the usefulness is rather limited in function.

Communication Strategy:
The communication strategy will utilize the the Catch phrases and appeal to the target audiences active fast paced life, the product will carry and elegant design aesthetic and also will be able to provide a connection back to their friends in this era of connectivity and social networks

Desired Message Tone:
The tone provided in the message will be slightly sophisticated and sporty, it will also have positive forward looking attitude which should reinforce all levels of promotability for a product.

The product.
Based on the medic alert bracelets that offer tracking for individuals who might have Alzheimer's or some other complication.
The product will be a cuff type bracelet made out of liquid metal technologies amorphous metallic material, however that's where the functionality of the device ends, My initial goal was to make it apply to a younger generation a redisgn was called for in order to make the product desirable to a consume in the new target age group. This will be accomplished by a sporty design utilizing liquid metal technology and the same kind of touch screens one would see on the latest tablets for ease of use., finally there's voice recognition to make this device stand alone. Style functionality and technology with minimal invasive impact when you really want to be alone.

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