Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ashley Abarca - Lifeline Personal Help Buttons - Magazine and Web Ads

So far I've done several Ads, however I don't think I will be using all of them. I'm trying to decide which works best and most effectively. I also created a Facebook ad to appeal to the "twenty-something" audience.

I decided not to do a package for the product as well because the product is not available in stores.


  1. I really like the design and idea in general. I think by having a Facebook the young generation would really have their attention on the product. The product is design for women, yet men can give the product as a present to their wife. I really like the logo, it reminds me of the breast cancer logo due to the pink.

  2. The advertisements are really nice and clean and the colors and design work well with the product. The facebook ad was a clever idea because it is a popular network. Good work.

  3. I like the FB ad because it links your text with the bracelet. The bracelet ad along is confusing to me....I looked at it but as a consumer I dont really know what it is for and if I dont have the web immediately available to go to the website to figure it out I would probably just pass it by and forget about it. Otherwise....keep up the good work

  4. I think the designs are really nice and well put together, but like the person before had said I'm not too sure if the ad about the iphone app that tells you to go to the website is too captivating and would make me want to see more. Maybe it's because I'm a guy and the product is positioned towards girls though not sure. Awesome designs though

  5. Thanks for all the feedback.

    And, I definitely want to find a way to modify the bracelet ad. I agree, it isn't as informative as I had intended. I might just add more factual text because I want the bracelets to keep the look of a normal bracelet, even though it functions as a personal help button (the stone being the help button).

    I am also considering using that design as the cover of the brochure rather than a magazine ad, and have all the information inside the brochure.

  6. WOW!! I love the simplicity of your designs. The type (modern style and script) work well together and are just feminine enough. The colors are modern, young, fresh and pop, something I think definitely would appeal to and catch the eyes of your target audience. I look forward to seeing your whole campaign. Good luck.

  7. The Facebook ad is nice. I think it connects well with the product. All of your ads look nice. I also agree with a few others about the iphone app but i think you might be able to make it work somehow.

  8. I really love the design style. Very simple CLEAN its very appealing. Your color choices are nice as well very neat contrasting colors. I like the facebook idea also. I think Lorena is right it does tie in with the young audience.

  9. It looks good. i like all of the design ideas. im not sure about the first one with the tiara but its still catchy.
