Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Progress - LifeMeter

Trying to choose the right typeface for my product. I want something clear, bold, and more contemporary without feeling dull. Part of the logo is based on the first lowercase 'e' resembling a drop of blood. So I wanted to have a typeface with a very round finial for the 'e.' I am most likely going with a geometric sans serif, like Gotham.
More progress on my product. Want a 'letterpress' logo on the box and the package is a clamshell design. So it will open in half, like a book.


  1. Your designs are fresh and simple and have an edgy/modern feel to them. I love the minimal color used. Are you going to do a website as one of your promotional ads?? Because it would be neat to see all of this pulled together into one harmonious design. On the packaging... Are those designs supposed to be the front and back?? Because I think it would be neat to have some contrast in the logo. Where will the info go?? I would just be careful of the placement so it doesn't mess with the simplicity of your design. Maybe you can put the details/info on the sides so the front can still have the clean look. As for the logos... I like the one in the middle row, second from the bottom. Don't use the one with the rounded edges, it doesn't go with the edgy feel of your packaging. And you don't want something too thin like those ones in the center because it might not stand up out with dark color on the box. Good luck.

  2. The logo you chose is the one of the two that were my final choices. It was between Gotham and Helvetic Neue. I think I'll go with Helvetica, just so the overall designs (magazine ad, website, etc) can have a contemporary feel, without detracting from the actual product design.

    Thanks for the suggestions.

  3. Oh, and the packaging design is only showing the front of the box and side panel. I am still debating on whether to go with the white type or black. The black would have a letterpress treatment and possibly a somewhat glossy finish, while the the rest of the packaging would be matte black. Although the contrast in hues would not be there, I'd be creating a contrast with the finishes.

  4. I like your packaging design, the color and the logo are nice. Because of no one did the the package to a clamshell design, your packaging will be eye catching.

  5. I think that a spot varnish on the dark logo and a matte box would look awesome, sleek, and "fresh." I love how much consideration you are putting into your font choices. Yay, typography!

    Be careful with Helvetica. I once did a logo for a national company in Helvetica and the New York office HATED it. They can spot Helvetica a mile away because all of the transportation signs in the city are set in Helvetica. Of course, you are adding character to it with the blood drop "e" so that will make a difference.

    The clamshell box is a great idea. I may have to steal it.

  6. You were deciding in our group between the black and white text. I think the black gives it a classier feel so Id go with that one. It looks more professional.

  7. I like your design, its simple but your colors goes well together! You can't go wrong with the white or black text.
