Thursday, April 14, 2011

LifeMeter - Starting to work on my concept

For this product repositioning design I will be designing a magazine ad layout, product packaging, iPhone/Android App, and maybe a poster that could be displayed clinics, doctor offices, etc.

I have two digital comps, but they are very rough and might completely change. The first is the start to a magazine ad layout. I wish I had the skills and resources to be able to design a product, but I don't so I used the iPhone design to get my point across. For the re-design of the blood glucose tester I wanted something more modern and with newer technology so it will appeal to a younger audience.

The second is the start of the packaging design for my product. This was more a lesson on how to work with Illustrator's 3D tools to be able to map art onto a package.

Here's to orignal design of the product.


  1. The layout of your ad is very modern and definitely appealing to the twenty-something age demographic. For not knowing much about the programs to design a whole new product, what you have is pretty awesome. My only concern about the magazine layout is to consider placement, where you will be placing the details of your product. Good luck.

  2. Seems like quite a transformation from the original to the new one. In my opinion, a good transformation that the original creators should have thought of first. Good job.

  3. Really nice and clean job with the packaging. I love the logo it is very recognizabe, simple and stylish. The package does a good job of speaking from the 21st century and to 20 something yr. olds.
