Thursday, April 14, 2011


  1. Shea this is by far one of the funniest ideas Ive hear. I LOVE all of your slogans. They are supper inventive! I think its totally awesome. I cant wait to see how this will all play out. I know you mentioned that you were gonna work on your design. I was wondering if maybe you could manipulate the Rogaine typeface to say Facegain. You might even be able to use the Fabebook logo for the "Face" part of Facegain for one of your advertisement. =)

  2. Funny stuff! I think something good to include is before and after photos. People always love that crap. Can't wait to see it finished!

  3. Great idea, I love the fact that is simple and straight forward. Clients would not have to be looking all over the ad to check for what the product offers, everything is well put and said in only few words.

  4. Brilliant idea! Love to see the final result!

  5. I love this idea because i cannot grow a beard and i want one. i big bushy beard. i like the comic side to the ads as well.
