Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I am behind. I am just trying to come with a catchy new name for the Hoveround chair. Below are logo designs. Im just playing around with placement. My advertising will be a magazine two page spread, a billboard, a youtube ad, and possibly a webpage.


  1. I really like the ad you made, the glow of the seat gives it the WOW factor but not over the top so it's more of an accent. I look forward to seeing it all put together. Maybe try placing the copy so it draws the eye down to the chair (look at my magazine ad that I posted... the one that says Peace of Mind in a small package). As for the logos... watch how the yellow of the type runs into the black line. It's kind of confusing to the eye, it makes it look too fuzzy. Also watch for the black and yellow on the bottom of the ad. It's hard to see and you don't want to confuse the target audience when they are looking at the ad, because something hard to see, someone will most likely skip over it. Looking forward to seeing your final presentation and the whole design look. Good luck.

  2. I like the third one with the ProXLT. It's easier to read and looks more professional. I do think that there is too much white space in the ad. Nevermind, I know it isn't finished yet. Good start.

  3. I love the first logo design. The fading gold seems more professional and trustworthy. It all depends on your aduience. For the older generation it might not be the best option but for the 20-somethings... definately :)

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