Thursday, April 14, 2011

iCane fancy design brief


  1. I think in a realistic world a cane with this many options wouldn't be possible but since this project doesn't have to really be a real life product I think it's a cool idea. What young person these days doesn't want all the technology they can get at their fingertips?

  2. Still love the whole concept. I can't wait to see the package design.

  3. Interested to see how you can manage to fit the Ipod design intot he cane. Maybe you can re design the idod wrap around the cane, or a touch pad can run along the length of the cane with the ipod options.

  4. That looks like it would be an interesting cane with some neat features.

  5. The assignment focuses on creativity, and how you can figure out how to either market, or how to Design a marketing plan. Realistically, it might not sell, at least right at the moment. Give it a few years. But creatively, Id give it a 10/10. Advertising is great, and I think its awesome that you made everything from scratch instead of importing photos.

  6. This is a very cool idea. Young people will very interesting in it. I'm waiting for your other promotional designs.

  7. How about making it collapsable so It will fit easier into one's backpack? Just a thought. It's pretty complex. I love the concept.
