Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ashley Abarca - Lifeline Personal Help Buttons - Revised/Additional Designs

I made several revisions and additions to my project. I also changed the logo somewhat to create the "app" look a little more (refer to my older post to see what I mean).


  1. This is looking very professional and very impressive. I like it. Not sure what else you will impress everyone with but this is awesome.

  2. The look is very girly but in a professional way. I love the look of the website, it unifies everything. The shield logo is awesome, because it shows what the product does... protects people (young ladies in particular). The How It Works section on the brochure is very effective, it shows how simple the process can be. A concept that would definitely appeal to the busy lifestyles of your target audience. Good luck.

  3. You defiantly have the twenty to thirty year olds. Maybe even teenagers. All the promotional designs have breathing room along with the logo being 3D. That actually is important for the age group.

    Make it blue, logo with a block like font instead of script, and change the items to watches you'll have something some guys would use.
