Thursday, April 28, 2011

Project 2: Gender - PURSE HANGER

My idea is to take the ever so popular woman's purse hanger and market it to men. The business man especially who has to carry a briefcase, man tote, or messenger bag will be interested in this item. They will no longer have to put their expensive bags on the dirty ground when out for business meetings or luncheons. It will also help to keep the floor area around their table clear and no one will trip or kick their bag.

The man's version will not be full of bling or cute pictures and will be of a bit heavier construction to hold the larger man bags. Disk designs can run the gamet with business logo's, monograms sports, alumi emblems, and the armed services logos.

Price point will be between $15-25 depending on the disk design.


  1. I really like these things! so convenient. That is a really awesome idea. A murse hanger. I cant wait to see what designs you come up with as well as what the name is going to be. Very neat idea especially in the business world where men carry brief cases etc.

  2. I agree. Men will appreciate that their briefcases not get kicked around. It is pretty bad rolling you chare over your belongings. If you make it strong enough to carry the weight of briefcases large enough for a laptop and the laptop, then there is something that will sell.

  3. Exactly, especially when you have personal breakable items like Iphone, glasses, laptop or etc. getting kicked around or knocked over can be bad. This eliminates that problem. I actually didnt even know about the product... my purse is so dirty on the bottom lol. I figure since im a student and im not carrying around anything nice I can get away with it but this could be a nice change.
