Thursday, April 28, 2011

Creative brief for Project 2 : gender Repositioning

The Mark

The project this time around will be to reposition a product based on gender, Firstly I think this was slightly challenging for me because, I have a really weak gender line when it comes to product usage in general , so Thinking really hard I came up with the idea to Reposition an over the counter medicine commonly used by women when they're experiencing pre-menstrual difficulty
Formerly known as Midol, I propose that there can be an equally successful market redeployment for those time when a guy jut has to much pent up anger and energy.

Branding will be called Guydol used to take the edge off

The product will be generally targeted to men, especially men who are in the age range of 21-37 who either are naturally over aggressive and or have been using certain performance enhancing steroids. In which case there will be Guydol extreme or extra strength.

The tag line will be, "chill out,Take a Guydol"

Competitive cproducts are basically elicit drugs and prescription medications .

1 comment:

  1. I really like the name, and the tag line. I am wondering how would it work? But I think it is a great start, a lot of men can really use some Guydol. Would there be side effects to the pills?
