Thursday, April 28, 2011

Chemical Beauty Peel for Men

General Information (what)
This Product Repositioning is for Chemical Beauty Peel. It is peel is a hydrating, exfoliating, deep cleanser, enriched with Aloe Vera, and vitamins. The Peel is going to be scented with masculine scents. The peel is also capable of reducing dark circles, and in creases immunity.

Target Audience (who)
This peal is guarded towards men with less than perfectly manageable skin. The is for the busy man that regular maintenance is a challenge, but does fine time every now and then to pamper himself.

Message (why)
Even guys should feel fresh and rejuvenated. This product will take care of the man’s skin for very long time. Clear skin is sexy skin.

Communication (how)
This product will be promoted through Magazine ad, Website, Point of Purchase, and Packaging.

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