Monday, May 23, 2011

Celebrity Endorsement of Panty Pants? :)


  1. hahaha these things just make me laugh when I look at them. do they come in other fabric than denim. Not to be mean but I think the pants are kind of ugly but it'll be interesting to see your designs and how you market them to americans...good choice going with kim fine

  2. This is a really interesting product but using celeb endorsements is a great idea. Putting ads in malls and such areas would be a good market place. Good Luck.

  3. In all honesty, I feel that this product is inappropriate this day and age. Young girls don't need to walk around in these, its disturbing and inappropriate and not what I want to see on people when walking around the mall. Modesty is always the best policy although I understand a lot of people don't abide by that but still. It's not something I would want to see on someone else, it's disgusting.
    I am interested in seeing how you will market this and who your target market is going to be, based on the perspective you will have from different markets and types of people, and how you plan on reaching your target market.

  4. I think your designs are very funny. I would've never thought of celebrity endorsements. I think that was a very clever tactic. I realize this is a rough promo design but I do believe that you mentioned in class that you wanted to advertise this product in a classy direction. Just seeing how your roughs have been done I sort of see a little bit of a Calvin Klien advertisement feel here. I think that design style might be an excellent way of promoting your product.
