Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ashley Abarca: Project 3: The UV Check Mirror

So far, I've redesigned the product itself, making little changes from the original design. I basically just made it available in more of a variety of styles (e.g. Leopard print) and colors. And, one of my advertisements is a free App that allows the user to set a timer to reapply sunscreen. I will also make it where they can set a personalized profile for their specific skin-type and activities. That is pretty much all I've gotten to work on. I plan on doing a website and a magazine ad and still trying to think of a forth that is different from what I've done with the pervious projects.


  1. i like the sunscreen reapply timer, its a good idea. Also i like how you used the sun as the logo and kept it the same even on the actual uv checker.

  2. thats a really neat Idea because some people have a hard time remembering to check themselves and skin cancer is a growing problem. Also the complimentary app works doubly well as that it will remind you to check up. great idea, the warm colors are a perfect for summer time. but I would actually look into making one for clody day's as that's when UV ray's are the strongest.
