Monday, May 2, 2011

Ashley Abarca: Project 2 - Facial Concealer for Men

Unfortunately, last week I was unable to attend class. And, I lost internet connection at my apartment, so I wasn't able to make any post either. I digress, this is what I have designed so far (I also included my research and design brief from last week):

Web Banner
Magazine Spread (ad)


  1. I like the comic book look it works well for the audience you are trying to reach. You have a great catch line that is simple, obvious and to the point.
    good work...

  2. i like the designs.. simple yet to the point.

  3. It all looks pretty intense. Good job. Not quite sure if it's possible to make it better than it already is but if you surprise us, that would be great. I like the top one the best.

  4. nice design. it works with the product that you are marketing

  5. Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.

    How do you feel about the color? Beth suggested that the green may not work for the product. Any ideas about that?
