Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Some New of TV-Ears

There are some package and posters. And I still thinking about the text which can put on the package.


  1. Oh Feilin, I love your package designs! Very cute idea.

  2. If I was walking through an electronic department I'd immediately stop and look at this. Very eye catching! It is very different than most packaging designs for electronic products. Most electronic product have a distant feel or mechanical look to them, but this is very humanistic and approachable.

  3. I love that first packaging idea. maybe its the raver in me but I just feel it stands out a little more, and its eye catching.

  4. Cute! Make sure that type on package catches the potential customers attention. The cartoon looks as if it is for a child. If it isn't only for children, make sure you mention that on the package so you can attract a broader group of buyers.
