Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kat Lange * ID Bracelets * Design Brief & Research

Current Logo & Website:

Bracelet re-design Inspiration:

Poster sketches:

Packaging sketches:

Magazine sketches:
Flyer sketches:


  1. Great idea. Say I was hanging with a friend and all of a sudden they begin sweating, break out in boils, begin to vomit, etc etc (just to create a "scene"), I'd feel much safer if I knew that my friend had a "Medic Alert" bracelet for any medical condition that I wasn't aware of. If I can't assist, Medic Alert can.

  2. Being Hypoglycemic, I think itd be a relief to have one. Your poster sketches are great! I like how instead of going crazy with text, You make the flyer pop out with the caution backround. It gets your flyer attention without overwhelming the text.

  3. I think its a great idea. I like the way you are going with the piece of mind route. I think you should play with different ways to position the words, because how they are arranged can give different feels. It looks good though :)
