Thursday, June 2, 2011

The magazine.

On the back of packaging, I will put a lot of information on essential oils, such as which essential oils can help sleep, which can relieve fatigue.
The poster.
They are the rough drafts for the magazine, packaging, poster and logo. I will do a lot of changes on them. I didn't get much done. I spent a lot of time on creating this product by Illustrator because original image is very blurred.
I will design a ipad app, a billboard and a website this weekend. I want choose the best four promotional designs for my presentation and process book.


  1. Looks good so far. I like the 4th logo. The way you set the text seems to be the best than the other ones.

    And good job on re-creating the product in Illustrator.

  2. Really love your promos.. the color scheme is really nice. Im decorating my condo in moroccan style and this is their lighting style and Ive been looking for something like this. totally awesome!! well done.

  3. I think the first logo design is the best one...keep it simple it look more professional. Also I like the packaging and I think the overall idea is cool because it's kind of like mine

  4. I like number four logo as well. The rays help define the product. I think the packaging looks a little cartoony right now. I know you are still working on it, though. The recreation of the product looks real. Good job.
