Saturday, June 4, 2011

Feels good to have my laptop back!

I've been working all day to try and catch up on this project and work from other classes.

I think I finally have a good idea and theme for my promotions. I started off with the logo to try and create and image for the brand. I chose Adobe Caslon Bold Italic because it has a classy look to it, but also an assurant and bold feeling. The colors might stay like this or I might add some more warmth later, but after several color combinations I have tried this has been my favorite. I tried to stay away from using too much pink because, in advertising it seems like using using pink to target women is the ordinary thing to do.

The typeface used for 'Cuddle Buddy' will be changed to something that compliments Caslon better. That's just temporary.

Website Mockup


  1. I really like the logo. Can't wait to see how the finished designs will be!

  2. I like the color scheme you chose it is complimenting to the logo.

  3. it almost looks like GB instead of CB cause of the B
