Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Kaguya Constellation Aroma Lamp

This is the publicity card. The left is the shell of the card and the right one is the card‘s front and back.
The overall publicity card.
The magazine page.
The packaging, I created the packaging very simple.
The billboard.
I'm working on the process book. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.


  1. Nice work Feilin. I always like your end product !

  2. Nice consistency through your designs. It looks good. :)

  3. Very beautiful. My only criticism would be that the billboard has too much information in too small a font. The layout is gorgeous though, so I'm not sure how I would actually change it.

    I'm totally jealous again. Very pretty.

  4. It looks awesome, the packaging, the flow and consistency throughout the whole project is done very nicely.
