Tuesday, May 10, 2011

So this is what I'm going with for my packaging design. I've decided to stick with the name TAN. It's simple, to the point, and thats how guys are. Also I've completed my t-shirt design. I'm kind of changing my mind last minute on a couple things though. I might design a website instead of a magazine ad because I just cant find the right pictures for what I want the ad to look like. I'm also working on the cardboard cutout because as unlikely as it sounds it's pretty hard to find pictures of tan buff dudes that are the right size and everything. That's about it.


  1. The bottle looks great. I like your idea about the website, it might be easier to tailor, and ultimately might be more effective for the product.

  2. I really like how the bottle turned out. It is extremely professional looking and really explains, through image, the capabilities that the product has.
